Monday, January 7, 2013

I, Kelly, take you, Kevin, and your gym shorts...

I let the holidays go by without mentioning that Kevin and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary on December 27.  Because it's right after Christmas the day sometimes gets a little lost.  No one in our house was very eager to put down their new Legos and watch a copy of our wedding video.  Still, I think the day is worth noting.  I feel very blessed in my marriage.  Kevin is an amazing father, a good provider and my best friend.  All that being said, neither one of us is the easiest person to live with.  Kevin likes to watch "Dexter" and movies like "Scarface" and his running shorts could tackle a marathon on their own when he's done working out in them.  I have specific rules about how much to put in a laundry basket and buy things like metal goats and ceramic chickens.  But we've made it so far due in large part to that very essential element in any relationship....humility.  I am sure you thought I was going to say love, which is indeed essential, but in this house love is an action word as much as it is an emotion and there's nothing more action-packed than putting your pride on the shelf for the good of those around you.  Now I know what you're thinking.  Sometimes you've got to hold your ground.  "It's the principle of the matter!  I know he would hate this floral quilt on our bed, but I shouldn't have to live without it just because he can."  Or "I don't care how hard he/she worked today.  I emptied the dishwasher last time.  I am not doing it again."  Don't get me wrong....our principles are important and so is standing up for yourself.  But I believe the line between principle and pride is awfully thin and often confused.  What exactly are you standing for when you put the "it" before the "who"?  So whenever I am tempted to let my principles become my pride, in my marriage or any other relationship for that matter, I run myself through this simple test.  I picture myself twenty years from now having a lovely anniversary dinner, just me and my pride.  I picture Christmas shopping for the perfect gift, getting it home, wrapping it and labeling the tag, "From Kelly, to Pride".  I imagine snuggling up at night for a movie with some popcorn, my pride next to me on the couch.  To love as Christ loved is not easy.  It's about putting Christ's love for someone above your own love for everything else.  But in so many years, when the goat has rusted and the gym shorts don't fit anymore, it will be what keeps us going.  And I welcome whatever humility I need to preserve that.  Happy Anniversary, Kevin.  XOXO...Kelly


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