Sunday, March 24, 2013


Remember those clever bracelets (and shirts and hats and bags and socks and necklaces and buttons and stickers) that came out like 20 years ago with the letters WWJD on them?  The letters stood for What Would Jesus Do, a little extra reminder to look upward in our thoughts and actions.  I wore mine with a tucked in GAP t-shirt and a braided belt...heck yes I did!!  WWJD was so popular that a whole acronym-based fad rose up. There was IBNO (In But Not Of), FROG (Fully Rely On God), BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth), CIA (Christians In Action), DOG (Depend On God), BARF (Be A Red Fraggle)....the list went on and on.  But I really did think WWJD was a good one and a really clear cut explanation of our purpose here live as He lived, to love as He loved.  So when I was working with the youth at our church--and now with my own kids--I'd really try to bring this idea back.  Someone is being mean at school.  Things aren't going well at work.  A sibling stole your toy.  Well, what would Jesus do?  Apparently Jesus would dump his friends, post a mean message on Facebook and smack his sibling on the head.  Arg!  It's such sound advice!!  Why isn't it working?!  And then it dawned on me.  If you don't know who Jesus is, how can you act like Him?  Maybe the problem isn't a lack of clever acronyms.  Maybe it's a lack of the knowledge to back them up, an unfamiliarity with who Jesus really was.  Let's face it.  The Kardashian's get a lot more press than our Savior does these days (though I still really don't understand why....what is it that they do again???).  Holy week is upon us.  This is as good a time as any to really think about who Jesus was and is and make sure the people around you know it, too, because it isn't just about what Jesus would do.  It's about what Jesus did!!  Jesus, you are my King.  You are my Salvation.  You are the mercy I so desperately need and the grace I so desperately don't deserve.  You fed ten thousand and healed the sick.  You raised the dead from the grave and lame from the ground.  And still you call me daughter.  Please don't let me forget that and please, please, please don't let me forget to pass it on.  Amen.  XOXO....Kelly

P.S. WWJD...What Would Jesus Do?  He'd kick death's booty, that's what He'd do.  HAPPY EASTER!!!

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