Sunday, October 15, 2017

Captain Phillip, Fisher of Men

Earlier this month the boys and I treated Kevin to a guided fishing trip on Lake Conroe, our birthday gift to him.  Our captain for the morning was a man named Phillip.  We had just boarded the boat and strapped on the life jackets when Phillip shared that his daughter, Ashley, had passed away the day before.  Kevin and I looked at each other, not quite sure what to say or think.  Here we sat with a grieving father, expecting him to spend the next five hours with us, teaching us and guiding us in the ways of catfish.  And, oh, by the way, please be in a good mood with us and super patient because our boys ask A LOT of questions.

So I said, "Captain Phillip, what are you doing here??  Are you sure you're up for this today?"  And his response, "I've got to pay for the funeral.  And I know where she is."

Phillip, it turns out, is much more than a fishing guide.  Phillip and his wife have 7 children and 16 grandchildren between the two of them.  And Phillip is a missionary.  A modern day Peter, James or John, he laid down his competitive fishing net many years ago to begin his ministry.  He's traveled to Africa, Fiji, Russia, Honduras, slept on the dirt and dined with peasants. 

"Phillip," I said, "You are LITERALLY a fisher of men."

As the morning went on, Phillip talked about his family, his daughter and his life experiences.  He quoted scripture and shared some of the many times he's seen God actively moving in his life.  He talked about burying his parents, both of his brothers and now the task ahead of him...burying his daughter.  When we loaded the car and left the marina Michael turned to me and said, "That man is a CHRISTIAN!"

Captain Phillip has traveled all over the world to spread the Gospel, but I'm willing to bet his biggest mission field is right there on Lake Conroe.  Can you imagine your workplace in the same way?  We think mission work has to require a suitcase and months of fundraising, but what if God's biggest job for you is where you are right now?  Who is God putting in your path today that needs to know, even on your hardest day, about the truth of Christ's love? 

"For He has not given us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 

Be bold!!  Be courageous.  Be a fisherman, wherever you are. 
