Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Merry Christmas from the Long's 2018

Merry Christmas from the Long’s!

What a year it has been!  It feels like just yesterday that I was writing our last holiday letter.  Actually, that’s a lie.  I barely remember what actually happened yesterday let alone a year from now.  Kids kill brain cells you know….

Speaking of kids, ours are great!  Michael is in 6th grade and handling middle school like a champ.  He’s in beginning band this year, playing percussion.  On top of soccer and piano lessons that means he makes a whole lot of noise and beats on stuff a bunch.  His other favorite hobby is asking for a phone.  Our favorite hobby is saying no. 

Blake is in 5th grade and ready to move out of elementary school.  We can tell because of how often he refers to everyone around him as “idiots”.  He enjoys guitar lessons and also playing soccer.  His first love is hunting, though, and if we’d just let him move to the deer lease like he’s asked he could do it all the time.  And be around less idiots.

Zachary is in 3rd grade, is teaching himself the ukulele (seriously) and still loves playing, well, anything with a ball.  Or without a ball.  Did you know you can even compete at blinking?  It’s true.  I bet you’re losing right now.  Zachary is smart and bright and funny and caring.  And currently beating you at blinking.

Parker is in 1st grade.  He loves reading and not following directions at home.  This fall he played on a flag football team and did not love it.  We can’t blame him.  Have you seen some of those flag football parents?  They are crazy.  Lots of talent out there, but also lots that can’t tie their own shoes. 

Kevin (still bearded) is still with his firm, Oldenettel & Long.  He says and does lots of important lawyer-y stuff.  In his free time he scoops leaves and small snakes from the pool.  We celebrate 15 years of marriage this month!  The magic is still there, folks.  I mean, when I hear him argue with people on the internet he may or may not even know, well…..  I’ll just stop there.  This is a family letter after all.

I am still on staff at our church, Foundry UMC.  In my free time I’ve really committed to Netflix.  I don’t mean just watching an occasional show, but really connecting with several fictional and non-fictional characters I will never meet.  It’s a whole different kind of rewarding to lose yourself in the drama of Britain’s royal family when you’ve been listening to the sideline commentary of 1st and 2nd grade flag football parents for several weekends in a row.

And so in the middle of all this madness and joy we come to Christmas!  I love what my devotional said this morning….”Advent is an invitation to perceive. Christmas calls us to look again” (Matt LeRoy).  We look again at the year behind us—remembering the good with the bad!—and see Christ at work in so many ways.  And we look again to the future—always hoping & sometimes questioning—and are assured He will be there.  May you and your family rest in this same peace now, and in the New Year ahead!

XOXO….Kevin, Kelly, Michael, Blake, Zachary and Parker
Pictured from left to right:
Zachary (currently winning at picture-taking)
Parker (tied his own shoes...JK...they're velcro)
Michael (so much 6th grade swagger we don't even know where to begin)
Blake (solely responsible for the 15 shots it took us to get one decent picture together)
Kevin & Kelly (making a list of cocktails to try when the boys move out one day)


  1. Your Christmas letters never disappoint me, they are hilarious as always, keep them coming. We all need to have a good laugh. Life is just to serious some days. I'm so glad God created laughter, He probably laughed reading your letter too.

  2. That 6th grade swagger goes for girls too but it’s called “ATTITUDE “
