Sunday, March 3, 2013

They're gonna love you!

A few weeks ago Kevin and I attended a new member class at our church. It was the first chance we've had to get to know anyone there and I was both excited and nervous. It's like it was the first day of school. I took special care to look nice, got there early, chose a seat near the front. As the instructor passed out the class info packets I thought to myself, "Soon they're going to be asking me to teach this class. These people are going to love me!" Not long after I started to smell something. It was faint, not horrible, but definitely off. I thought maybe it was coming from the lady next to me. Or maybe the breakfast food that had been provided. Or maybe it was just really old carpet. By the end of the class I decided it must have just been Parker's diaper. It wasn't until we got into the van later that I realized the smell was coming from my sweater and was, in fact, dog pee on my shoulder. That's right. Dog pee. On my shoulder. Don't ask me how it got there. Oh, and did I also mention that halfway through the class I looked down and noticed I had neglected to fasten one side of my nursing bra from earlier that morning? Madame Urine Half Bra. Yes, they're going to love me. My life is a circus. But you know what, it's a wonderful circus and a most sovereign ringmaster reigns over all of it. I have three dogs. They pee on my clothes. And my furniture. I have four boys who also tend to pee everywhere. We are rarely on time and I yell a lot. But praise the heavens, God takes me anyway! And so I did go back to that class the next week and the week after that because even if I did have it all together, which I don't, it's the fact that God wants me there that matters most. He does not require my hair be combed or my clothes match or that I am on time (though don't get me wrong, these are GOOD things). He simply asks that I just be willing. Don't let a little pee on your shoulder stop you from that. When God is calling it doesn't matter what might be trying to get in the way. Do it anyway. Trust me...they're gonna love you. XOXO...Kelly

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Where were you when we did our new member class? I'd have felt very much at home even though our kids are all grown. Be careful, though, I never thought when we did our class that I'd be leading a Life Group. Remember that no matter what we all love you & can see ourselves in the things you put in this blog & into those new member classes.
