Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The gang's all here!!

Well, the house is ready for Christmas!  We've got the nativity set up, the tree is out, the "Meowy Christmas" towels have been washed and lots of my favorite holiday accessories are about.

There's Hans the Holiday Turkey and his little dachshund buddy.  Hans comes out for Thanksgiving, but he's got so much moxy there's no way we could put him away before Christmas.

Then there are the newcomers this year, Gloria and Noel.  This sassy pair of dancing sisters may stay up until Easter, they're so cute!

The flamingos, of course.

Kudos to Kevin on this one for the nearly 2 hours he spent on a ladder pulling this one off!  Our marriage has come a long way, hasn't it?  :)

And Morris. 

Morris got a little bit of a make over this year.  As some of you might remember from years past, Morris isn't as young as he used to be.  I begged Kevin for him the first Christmas we were in this house.  He's not very sturdy and his lights and motor don't work anymore.  But there's not much you can't fix with a little tinsel and, this year, pink spray paint.  Also, I stuffed a strand of Christmas lights into his belly, so he shines from the inside out!  

And isn't that the point?  That the JOY of Christmas shines from inside each of us, rooted in faith, hope and love?  Rooted in Christ!

"...for the JOY of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10

May your joy this holiday season shine from the inside out, where it is not dependent upon gifts or goodies, parties or decorations, where people and circumstances can not diminish it.  May we start each day knowing that Christ's joy is always there for us, before we put one foot on the floor.  May it always be our choice.



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