Monday, June 22, 2015

Offer them Christ

"Offer them Christ."  Said to be John Wesley's last words to Thomas Coke before he sent Coke to America to spread the Methodist Church.  Our pastor shared the story with us during his sermon one Sunday and the painting by Kenneth Wyatt that depicts the scene. 

Offer them Christ. 

Something in these words has resonated with me ever since.  If I was to declare one philosophy on making a youth ministry successful after my own service as a youth director, it would very much echo this sentiment.  Anyone can race go-karts, go to a water park, play basketball or compete to drink an entire gallon of milk.  You don't need church for that.  If you want youth to come and keep coming you've got to offer them something they might not get anywhere else.  You've got to offer them Christ.

Isn't that what always makes the difference?

My dad was (and still is) an amazing father.  He invaded our Barbie get-togethers with his remote controlled tank.  He took us on vacation and coached us in softball.  He attended concerts and plays and art shows.  His list of fatherly credentials goes on and on and on.  But not a one of these things would have had the impact on me that it did had he not offered me Christ alongside it. 

"If I speak in the tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal."  (1Cor 13:1) For where would I be if the Father's Love had not come to me through my own father's love?  All the fun and time and memories are just noise when there is no echo of God in them. 

For my sisters and I, there was no doubt growing up what God looked like.  He looked like my dad.  Thank you, Dad, for all you offered me growing up, for all that you were and still are as a father.  But most of all, thank you for offering me Christ.  Happy Father's Day.


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