Saturday, April 20, 2013

God Bless John Michael Montgomery

There are two kinds of people in the world--those that like the "Christmas Shoes" song and those that don't.  I love all of you, but if you fall into the first category I will probably never ask you to make me a mixed tape.  And should you make me one anyway I will probably never listen to it.  I fall into the second category.  I can not stand that song.  All the joy and glory of Christmas displayed so beautifully in so many different songs and we have to hear about a poor boy trying to buy shoes for his dying mother.  Before you go off calling me callous and unfeeling let me just say that, hate it as I do, that stupid song still gets me almost every time.  In case you didn't think it was possible to both tear up and feel totally annoyed at the same time, well, it is.  Thanks for the hormones, God!!  Anyway, there is another song that evokes a similar reaction from me.  "The Little Girl" by John Michael Montgomery is about a little girl who hides behind the couch while her alcoholic dad kills her mom and himself.  Later, when the girl is at church for the first time with foster parents, she sees a picture of Jesus and the song says, "She said I know that man up there on that cross-- I don't know His name--But I know He got off--Cause He was there in my old house--and held me close to His side--As I hid there behind our couch--The night that my parents died."  See?  Waterworks!!  It's been a few weeks now since Easter.  In our house we've just firmed up plans for the summer, are focusing on finishing out the school year, planning swimming lessons and T-ball practice, and I've begun to think about how nice it will be when the boys clean out the van for me on Mother's Day.  So in case you're like me and need a little grounding today in the midst of all the spring madness let the words of this ridiculous country song remind you of two most important and treasured things....  (1) Jesus got off that cross (AMEN!!!!) and (2) His arms are holding you today no matter where you are (DOUBLE AMEN!!!).  If that ain't enough to make you turn your pick up truck around and hug your mama I don't know what is.  Where the excitement of the Easter bunny, baskets and eggs has come and gone, the assurance of Christ's resurrection and enduring presence is here now and forevermore.  Christ is alive and well today, friend!!  Let us each feel his arms around us wherever we are!  XOXO...Kelly

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