Thursday, June 27, 2013

I'm really, really ridiculously goodlooking....

...but I can not sing ooooo's.  You know, where in a song there are no words, just a bunch of oooo's.  I'm like the Derek Zoolander of the music world.  He can't turn left.  I can't sing ooo's.  Ask anyone who has ever had to sit beside me before in a choir.  I can be clipping along, belting out a song with no problem, but as soon as you take the words away it's like I lose all musical balance and completely fall off the bike.  I don't even hum well.  I am nothing without the words.  But isn't this the same for all of us?  Where are any of us without the word of God?  "Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features doesn't mean that we still can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident."  Or need the word of God with us and behind and before us each day!  "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path" Psalm 119:105.  God's word is not just concerned with us here and now, as a personal talisman we can pull a verse from now and again when we want something cool for our letter jackets or a nice quote for our wall.  It is both concerned with who we are ("my feet") and where we are going ("my path").  God's word is our infallible authority, our guide for life, our deed for inheritance, our stability and our strength (from God's Promises, Word Publishing).  "Heaven and earth shall pass away; but my words shall not" Mark 13:31.  God wants you in His word.  He wants you to spend time with the Bible, study it, ask questions about it, pray on it, lean on it.  He wants you to know the peace and joy that comes with knowing Him better.  And that's a good thing!!  Otherwise we're all just wandering around indiscriminately singing oooo's with all the wrong notes.  Or just mouthing "ooooo" while everyone else who can find the right notes sings around you.  That's pretty much what I do now.  SO READ YOUR BIBLE!!  And have a very good day.  :)  XOXO...Kelly

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