Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ready or not....

Anyone else get emotional on the last day of school?  The first day I can handle, no problem, but the last day gets me every time.  I welcome the freedom of summer for sure (ask me again how I'm feeling about it in August), but the last day just reminds me that changes are coming even if the change is nothing more than moving up to the next grade in school.  Earlier today, as I was walking Michael home from his last-day-class-party, I was praying hard for God to help me not cry.  Why?  Because you look like a goober when you're sobbing your way down the sidewalk.  People stare at you.  So as I'm praying Michael starts to talk about our deceased dog, Mr. Rocky Balboa Long, who went to be with the Lord this past March.  If you're thinking that sounds like a strange way for God to answer a prayer you are right.  Meeting the last-day-of-school sadness with dead dog sadness doesn't seem to make much sense.  But as Michael spoke about dog heaven (where, according to Michael, you can pee and poop anywhere you want and then even eat the poop if the dog wants to) he also talked about how God makes rain and tornados and sunshine, etc. and I suddenly realized God was reminding me, through my sweet six year old kindergarten graduate, of His awesome sovereignty.  "God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.' So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'...Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:6,8).  To accept change is to accept the possibility for growth and to lean on God's constant love for us.  The more we change the more we see that He does not.  How good it is to dwell in that!  So summer, whether I am ready for you or not you are here.  Help me, God, to use this time like all moments to your glory, to relax and enjoy the time with my sweet family (again, check back with me in August on that one).  Thank you for the school year behind us and the possibilities ahead.  Thank you for your sameness, the reliability of your Spirit no matter what else is going on.  If you're in the area, friends, we love visitors.  Please be aware, however, that we sometimes we express our love for visitors by shooting at them with Nerf bullets.  We hope you'll stop by anyway.  :)  XOXO....Kelly


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