Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cat pants.

"No one can serve two masters.  Either he will hate the one or love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.  Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?"  Matthew 6:24-25

The last line of this passage would probably have been a lot different if Matthew had seen these cat pants.

In case you've not seen them at Target they feature a variety of household cats photo-shopped against an outer space background.  In one word, AMAZING.  It's hard to believe they sold out.  That's right....there are other actual people out in the world right now wearing these pants and maybe the matching sweatshirt that went with them.
But this blog entry is not really about cat pants.  It's about my consumed soul and how I walked into church on Sunday and had one of those the-pastor-wrote-the-sermon-for-me kind of days.  The passage from Matthew was the theme of Sunday's stewardship sermon.  It astounds me how close I hold these words to my heart and, yet, how quick I am to stray from them.  No one can serve two masters.  Why is that so hard???  Did you know you can be obsessed with money no matter what your income?  Truly.  I used to think it was just the rich people Jesus was directing these words toward, but there are all kinds of ways to be obsessed with the world.  The enemy is everywhere just waiting to pull our focus.  When I'm not worrying about our outrageous middle-of-summer-in-Houston electricity bill it's something else.  For two solid months once I worked on my kitchen.  Never mind that I had a job at the time and three small children.  I could not let the state of our cabinets go.  Every spare moment I had was devoted to drawer pulls and white paint.  I'm fairly sure we ate every meal out of the house during that time and no laundry was done.  You know what that is?  Cat pants.  Ridiculous, crazy cat pants.  Target's way of distracting us from the milk and paper towels we should be buying and luring us in to something seemingly more fun.  Until you get home and realize you forgot the milk.  Cat pants.
Okay, maybe this blog entry is about cat pants. 
No one can serve two masters.  The enemy is everywhere.  Whether your worry is money or clothes or what your house looks like or your hair or your car or your cell phone, etc., etc., etc., there is no peace when we put God second.  Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.  God, let me put you first today, above anything else that might cross my path.  Hold me close to your side, fill me with your peace.  The enemy is everywhere, Lord, but let me see you first.  For what can the world possibly give me that you can not?  
Not even cat pants.

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