Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to Replace a Broken Window

Not all home repairs require a skilled (and some time expensive) handyman.  Fixing a broken window is something you can easily tackle yourself.

Step 1--Google "how to fix a broken window."  The internet is full of helpful videos.  Watch a couple until you decide surely you can do this project on your own.  Then browse Pinterest for a while to decide which awesome home project you're going to do next once you get this window thing out of the way.

Step 2--Load up the children and drive to your local hardware store to get supplies.  You'll need a hardware store that also sells candy, sodas and ice cream 'cause that's what you need to get two small boys in and out of a hardware store. 

Step 3--Drive home with supplies.  Attempt to explain for the 14th time to your 4 year old why he can't have his popsicle in the car and must wait until he gets home.

Step 4--Get home.  Hand out ice cream and chips to the kids so they'll be occupied enough that you can start on the window. 

Step 5--Wearing safety glasses and gloves, remove any remaining glass in the frame.  Stop frequently to shoo away dogs and rinse off the dropped popsicles. 

Step 6--After the window frame is free of all glass and old adhesive, get out the new glass and discover it is 1/8 of an inch too big. 

Step 7--Load up the children for a second trip to the hardware store.  Drive through McDonald's for cheeseburgers since the popsicles and chips didn't really fill them up and this project has already taken 1 hour longer than you anticipated. 

Step 8--Arrive at hardware store and walk all the way to the glass cutting aisle again just as your four year old needs to go to the bathroom.  Walk all the way back to the bathroom.

Step 9--While waiting outside the bathroom have your 1 1/2 year old break your pane of glass.

Step 10--Acquire a new piece of glass, pay and get the heck home before anyone needs to pee again or break anything else.

Step 11--After all children are down for naps and quiet time set to work on the window again.  Spread new adhesive in the frame, set the glass in and set the trim around it.  Threaten all dogs and children within an inch of their lives should they mess with said window again. 

Step 12--Realize you never ate breakfast or lunch and might pass out.  Raid the candy basket for a handful of mini Snickers bars.  Yesssss...... 

See?  Piece of cake.  Why don't I attempt more home projects like this?  Do you know how much a handyman quoted me to fix the window?  $175.  Do you know how much the glass and adhesive ended up costing?  $9.  That's a savings of $166, which I'll later need for therapy and a good massage.  Still, it feels good to accomplish something.

How many times do we set out in our spiritual lives to do something we thought would be a breeze?  Join the choir?  Sure!  I did about a year ago.  I love to sing.  Ask me how many practices I've made?  Between the kids and Kevin's work schedule and everything else that comes up I average probably 1-2 a month.  The fact is, serving God would be really easy if all the other stuff wouldn't get in the way.  But then it's all the other stuff that reminds us why we need to do it in the first place.

Life is full of distraction, now more than ever.  Illness, HOME REPAIRS, school, work.  Doing the work yourself may take more time than you thought, be harder than you thought, seem like more trouble than you thought, but do it anyway!!  Because it's not about the money you save in the process.  It's that at the end of the day sitting back while someone else teaches your kids Sunday school class, takes meals to the elderly couple, organizes the egg hunt, serves as a greeter, etc., etc., etc. is doing NOTHING for you.  It's like watching Richard Simmons sweat to the oldies while you eat popcorn on the couch.  While you work outwardly, the Holy Spirit is working inwardly.

To quote the sermon in church this weekend, "what you do matters".  So do it.  Broken, distracted, tired, angry or just plain full of joy!!  In the name of Jesus Christ, do it. 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the encouragement Kelly! Really hit home.
