Sunday, June 22, 2014

It's okay to draw a line.

Saturday concluded my two oldest sons' first season on our neighborhood swim team.  We have had so much fun on this new adventure, but let me just say we are tired!!  Not that I didn't see this coming.  When you sign up for an activity that requires 4 practices a week on top of everything else you have going on you know you're going to be tired.  And so out came the lines....

"The lines" are little safeguards I put in place, promises I make to myself to keep my priorities on track and my joy intact.  For example, I don't buy dyed bridesmaid shoes.  I will lovingly stand beside any sister or friend in their wedding.  I will have my hair done.  I will buy the dress.  But I will not pay $60 for uncomfortable dyed shoes.  I'd rather be in a good mood on your wedding day. 

I also don't buy baseball pants for t-ball games at the YMCA.  When everyone on the team can make it through a season without crying (my kids included) we'll talk.  Until then, no.  I draw the line.

Some of my other lines include homemade baked goods (baking stresses me out), birthday presents that cost more than $20 (everyone has too much crap anyway), monogrammed sports shirts and buttons with my kids' faces on it (again with the crying....).  It's not because I see anything wrong with this stuff, but life is short and, frankly, it's okay not to do everything.  It's okay to draw a line, to say no thank you.  It's okay to want to enjoy something without all the optional extra's getting in the way.  And it's okay if your lines aren't the same as someone else's. 

I read something recently about joy, the kind of pure, unfailing joy that comes from a life with Christ, that does not depend on our circumstances, but on our assurance in Him.  Oh, how precious that joy is, how absolutely necessary it is to preserve it.  There are so many things that cross our path, fill our days, rob our thoughts.  But steal my joy?  That's where I draw the line. 

Of course, some lines move......  :)


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