Thursday, July 3, 2014

How to Build a Family of Champions

Zachary recently learned to swim and a ride a bike on his own, big milestones indeed!  To celebrate he got a trip to Menchie's and picked out a new toy at Target.  On the way home Blake announced that he couldn't wait for his next reward, which he intends to collect after learning to whistle.  That's right.  Whistling.  Blake wasn't born without lips, so as I was trying to figure out why a feat such as whistling might be reward-worthy, my mind flashed to the image of this ribbon he recently won at a swim meet...

Yes, you're reading that right.  It says 14th place.  This ribbon might be cool if there were like 750 swimmers in the competition.  I think there were 30.  Someone, somewhere at the Acme Ribbon Company is planning a very exotic vacation right now from their fancy new sports car because they are making a KILLING on sporting awards.

It's not that I'm not proud of my kids.  Did I squeal in delight when they first learned to sit up/crawl/walk?  Of course.  I've not seen a performance yet of Lowery Elementary's hit Kindergarten program "How Does Your Garden Grow?" that hasn't brought tears to my eyes.  I'm just wondering if 14th place and rewards for whistling might be taking it a bit too far.

It's not that I'm a hugely competitive person.  Ask me how many sports I played as a kid.  I signed up for dance because of the recital costumes.  When I learned you had to also dance in a recital I quit.  And frankly I think there is way too much meanness in the world.  We need to build each other up.  We need to promote and protect the sanctity of life, the preciousness of God's creation. 

But it can't come from a ribbon.

If we don't know that we are special, that our lives matter, no amount of frozen yogurt and sporting trophies are going to fix that.  If we don't see ourselves as God sees us, beyond what any new car or house or cell phone or clothing label could possibly do for us, then we are sunk.  And what hope do our kids have? 

You matter.  And not because of your job performance or place in society or athletic prowess or your ability to whistle the entire Battle Hymn of the Republic in four part harmony.  You matter because you are God's creation, fearfully and wonderfully made, so treasured that He sent His only son to die on the cross that we would have life eternally with Him.  The things that matter, the things that count have nothing to do with how fast you run, swim, walk or bike, how much money you make or the people you know.  His glory is there for each one of us, that we might be the light of the world, the best kind of champion. 

It doesn't come from a ribbon.  It never will. 



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