Friday, February 20, 2015

Fruits and vegetables

One day over lunch, a wonderful friend of ours engaged the boys in a discussion on fruits and vegetables.  And as I'm not aware of many fruit and vegetable discussions that don't end up in this direction, we were all trying to remember the difference....what makes a fruit and what makes a vegetable?  Fruits grow on trees, vegetables in the ground?  I don't know, something like that.  I am aware that there is probably a very specific scientific answer to this question, but even as I ponder it I can't help but wonder if the person who started classifying the differences between the two isn't beating his head against a wall somewhere right now.  You know, like every time someone starts an argument over avocado (which is a fruit) and a banana (which is not) he just wants to scream out, "Who cares?!!!  Just eat it!"

Or maybe John Calvin when he broke off from the Roman Catholic Church in the 1500's.  Did he have any idea that his idea of reform would develop into over 40,000 different denominations, sects, movements and organizations of the Christian church worldwide?

Who should take communion? 

Can I get married here? 

That's a sacrament! 

What's a sacrament? 

I thought it was an avocado.
An avacado's a fruit!   

It boggles the mind, doesn't it?  When did it get so hard to follow Christ?  Does anyone else have a picture of Him up in heaven beating his head against a wall as we argue about what color the altar cloth should be during the season of Epiphany? 

Don't get me wrong.  I know it's not as easy as that.  I know that even with the most open-hearted, open-minded intentions we will still open God's word and, human as we are, each read something slightly different.  Some of us don't read it at all.  We just go by what we are told.  Or by what clever little poster someone puts together for their Facebook page.  But there is a difference between religion and faith.  There is a difference between going to church and following Christ.  And while I think both are necessary and important, the first doesn't mean anything if we don't make the latter our priority.

I personally love all types of fruits and vegetables.  Except jalapenos.  Don't even get me started on jalapenos.  And hominy...that stuff is disgusting.  And red delicious apples.  They may be red, but they are not delicious. 

But I'll praise their maker while I've breath, and follow Christ with them any day. 


Michael, Blake and I in a pumpkin patch fall 2008.  A pumpkin is a fruit!

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