Monday, January 21, 2013

It's a win-win.

When I was in elementary school, I spent Tuesday afternoon's at the home of our family friend, Kay Burley, while my mom led my sisters' girl scout troop. Getting to hang out at Kay's house was a young kid's dream come true because the Burley's had both a trampoline in their backyard and a copy of Mel Brooks' movie "Spaceballs". Whether the weather was good or bad you were guaranteed something awesome to occupy you for the afternoon. I am pretty sure I thought the Burley's were the luckiest family I knew. Well, next to the kid on Silverspoons maybe who had a ride on train in his house. But the Burley's were the probably the luckiest real people I knew. I would deliberate the whole way to their house....trampoline or Spaceballs, trampoline or Spaceballs....knowing that either way I couldn't go wrong! It was a total win-win situation. Oh, to be a kid again! Today I celebrated my 33rd birthday, which is by no means old, but still seems a long way off from those Tuesday afternoons in elementary school, afternoons so full of assurance that whatever my choice goodness awaited me. The choices have become a little more complex since those days. Houses, kids, jobs. But blessed be the Word of God, the assurance of goodness has stayed the same! "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of The Lord forever" Psalm 23:5-6. The Lord has taken care of me! He has delivered me in good and in bad and brought me to His side time and time and time again. He reminds me that His goodness awaits me in whatever I do when I seek Him first. I am humbled and blessed to know this assurance. I want my children to know it, my family, my friends. So as I close the door on year 32 and open a new one this is my prayer for all of you, that you would rest in God's goodness and mercy tonight and every night. And just in case, I'll have a copy of Spaceballs waiting for you. XOXO...Kelly

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